ROH All Star Extravaganza VII PPV Preview and Predictions

    • ROH All Star Extravaganza VII PPV Preview and Predictions

      Ring of Honor of Honor is on PPV.

      Giving their thoughts and predictions on what to expect from the PPV are members of the site @JoeyOnEarth and @BradWardFight.


      Dalton Castle vs. Silas Young (If Dalton wins, Silas becomes one of the boys. If Silas wins, he gets possession of Dalton’s boys.)


      Silas Young’s character is one of the lamest in wrestling today so having him become one of “The Boys” would be a positive result. I love Dalton Castle but the matches between these two so far have been extremely basic.

      Interest Level: 5/10
      Prediction: Dalton Castle wins.


      While this feud has not lit the world on fire by any means, I have enjoyed Dalton Castle’s work rate quite a bit. I gotta go with Silas Young here as I think the potential vignettes of the boys becoming men wearing plaid, chopping wood and growing facial hair. I do think the feud will continue.

      Interest Level: 7/10
      Prediction: Silas Young

      Cedric Alexander vs. Moose in a No DQ Match


      I have enjoyed the matches between these two aside from the endings and it was among my favorites on the last PPV. The no DQ stipulation should give the match a conclusion this time with Moose winning. Cedric Alexander has been great since turning heel but you can’t have big Moose lose here.

      Interest Level: 8/10
      Prediction: MOOSE. MOOSE. MOOSE.


      While it would meltz my heart if Cedric was to get the win and ascend to the top of ROH, I think there is too much money there with Moose. The in ring of this should be pretty damn stellar overall, but hope it is not hurt by Stokley, Veda and Prince Nana. Cedric while an outstanding competitor is just another step on the road to the top of ROH by Moose Moose Moose. *Tugboat Taunt*

      Interest Level: 8/10
      Prediction: Moose wins.


      ACH vs. Matt Sydal in match #3 in their best of 5 series


      I’ve yet to any of the matches between the two in their best of 5 series so there’s a little more excitement seeing them go at it. Matt Sydal is one of my favorite wrestlers in the world. ACH is solid too.

      Interest Level: 7/10
      Prediction: ACH wins.


      Like Joey I have not seen any of the matches between ACH and Matt Sydal but I think these two guys on ppv should be a pretty fun match between the two. I do not think you will find two guys who can dive any better then these two with except maybe AR FOX. While both of these guys are some what treading water a bit, I think a win here could shoot them into the conversation for a future ROH TV Title match.

      Interest Level: 8/10
      Prediction: ACH wins.

      The Briscoes vs. TBD


      My expectations for the match are hard to grasp as I’m sure the team will be either be really cool or really awful with no middle ground. I’m predicting it’s something silly like Adam Page with Colby Corino or Rhett Titus in the mask. Hopefully it’s Jack Evans and Angelico or a cool team like that.

      Interest Level: 6/10
      Prediction: Briscoes win.


      Briscoes matches are always a great time, but the last time we had a surprise team for them it was probably The Headbangers. There has been no indication of who it could be, but I will go out on a limb and say it will be Watanabe & Cheeseburger. My reasoning is Cheeseburgers bond with Jushin Liger.

      Interest Level: 5/10
      Prediction: Briscoes Win.

      AJ Styles vs. Michael Elgin vs. Adam Cole vs. Roderick Strong in a #1 contenders match


      Yeah, this should be very good. Roderick Strong has already had his title shots, AJ Styles can’t lose so he won’t challenge for the title and Adam Cole will likely need some more time in his face turn before getting a shot at Jay Lethal. Michael Elgin is getting the win here.

      Interest Level: 9/10
      Prediction: Michael Elgin wins.


      This match has the potential to absolutely steal the show. With Elgin rejuvenated with a hell of a run in the summer over in Japan, I think this is his chance to really get back into the in Ring of Honor. I could see Elgin defending the ROH title at the Tokyo Dome in January against AJ Styles and Styles winning it there. I think Styles will come very close to winning but will come short and Strong has a punchers chance and i’ll leave it at that.

      Interest Level: 10/10
      Prediction: Michael Elgin wins.

      The Addiction vs. The Kingdom vs. The Young Bucks for the ROH Tag Team Championship


      The match should be fine and all but I don’t like how ROH is going the NJPW route of having multi-team tag title matches on all the big shows now. It feels the same every match with just a different team or two changing places. I think they are doing a title change to end The Addiction’s reign and I’m predicting it’s The Kingdom rather than the Young Bucks who are in rumors about the NeXT step of their careers.

      Interest Level: 6/10
      Prediction: The Kingdom wins.


      Tag Team division matches on ROH shows are always a great time. The Addiction at first winning the tag titles in the KRD angle was pretty good but I thought fizzled quite quickly. I don’t think there is too much for Kingdom to do without the Tag titles so I think they are who I think is going to win here. Young Bucks are busy with doing dates all over the world to be on a confined ROH schedule so I don’t think they will win but I think they could win over The Addiction with the ROH NJPW becoming even bigger in 2016.

      Interest Level: 7/10
      Prediction: The Kingdom wins.

      Jay Lethal vs. Bobby Fish for the ROH TV Championship


      Hopefully they open the show with this as a problem with the ROH cards as of late are the openers tend to be the least important match of the night which doesn’t set a good tone. The match should be fine but I’m not looking forward to it that much.

      Interest Level: 6/10
      Prediction: Jay Lethal wins.


      With the story of the show being Jay Lethal defending both titles just two nights before Seth Rollins is doing the same as Joey said it would be a great idea to kick it off with that match. I really cannot decide which match will be better between the two big titles matches, as Fish has gotten really good with his seasoning in Japan. Kyle could very well get involved in some capacity which will tie into the main event. I am kind of torn over who wins this because Fish with the title would be really cool and would add more to the main event. However I think putting the TV title on a pedestal would be better for the title overall.

      Interest Level: 7/10
      Prediction: Bobby Fish wins.

      Jay Lethal vs. Kyle O’Reilly for the ROH World Championship


      Jay Lethal and Kyle O’Reilly have great chemistry that has yet to be showcased on a bigger show so this could be special. My fear is Lethal will have to sell the effects of wrestling a match earlier which would change the pace of the match. I also think there’s a chance Bobby Fish turns on Kyle O’Reilly after losing his match. Regardless, I’m hyped for the match. Both men have grown so much as performers over the last 2-3 years and this match should be cool to watch.

      Interest Level: 9/10
      Prediction: Jay Lethal wins.


      Lethal kind of out of nowhere became one of the best wrestlers in the industry and not many saw it coming. After a disappointing run in TNA, Lethal comes back to ROH and he would grind his way to the spot he is in now today. I dig his pseudo Ric Flair persona without doing any Ric Flair mannerisms and crafted his own position within ROH. If there is anyone other then Lethal who deserves to be champion, it is Kyle O’Reilly. These guys should definitely deliver one of the best matches of the night.

      My only worry about this match is if the House of Truth and or Bobby Fish gets involved. if Lethal walks away with one championship, I think that would be the World Title. With my earlier prediction of Fish winning the TV Title, I could see Kyle and Bobby feuding over that down the road over the world title. Lethal is kind of in a weird position, because he was just crowned ROH world champ and we don’t know if Lethal can make it to the NJPW ROH tour as World Champ.

      Interest Level: 9/10
      Prediction: Jay Lethal wins.


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